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How To Check if a Relation is in BCNF, 3NF, or Both

Another note of my database lecture class regarding Normalization and checking whether a relation is in BCNF, 3NF, or both. The textbook that I use is “Database Management System” by Ramakrishnan and Gehrke and though it is a very comprehensive textbook, it is not that

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Adventist Church(es) in Bali Quick Guide

It’s been almost a year ago when I left Bali but I will never forget the experiences I had there. I remember clearly more than two years ago when I received a confirmation that I will be placed in Bali, I googled for Adventist churches

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Info Mendaftar Sekolah S2 ke Amerika Serikat (AS) – Part 3

I-20, Letter of Acceptance, and Passport (with Visa inside) Selamat anda telah diterima di salah satu universitas di AS! Now what? Memang proses pendaftaran sekolah di AS boleh dibilang cukup panjang, diperlukan waktu beberapa lama dari mulai mengambil ujian-ujian seperti TOEFL, GRE, dan GMAT sampai

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Info Mendaftar Sekolah S2 ke Amerika Serikat (AS) – Part 2

Melanjuti blog post saya yang sebelumnya, di blog post kali ini saya akan menuliskan proses-proses selanjutnya yang akan anda perlu lakukan setelah selesai dengan test-test seperti TOEFL, GRE, atau GMAT. Tenang saja, boleh dibilang anda sudah setengah jalan dari requirement-requirement yang diperlukan untuk mendaftar ke

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Info Mendaftar Sekolah S2 ke Amerika Serikat (AS)

*Ini tulisan request teman kerja saya di Bali Camp, semoga bisa berguna juga buat yang lain. 😀 Jadi sekarang anda tertarik untuk melanjutkan studi anda ke luar negeri, lebih spesifiknya ke Amerika Serikat (AS atau US), dan anda sedang mencari-cari informasi bagaimana caranya. Saya harap

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How To Transform Oracle JDeveloper to TextMate

  What is TextMate? TextMate is a text editor software exclusive to Mac. “.. TextMate has been referred to as the culmination of Emacs and OS X and has resulted in countless requests for both a Windows and Linux port, but TextMate remains exclusive for

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Where In Bali Is Bali Camp?

  Ok, if you ever visit the company website of Bali Camp, you might have several questions in mind such as: – Is this really an office? – Where are the offices, I only see huts? – I thought Bali is all beach, why it’s