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How To Start Blogging Like Djitz

Many people asked me questions of: – how to start blogging, – where I bought the .com address, – how much I paid for it, – where I hosted my blog, – and all blogging related questions. It’s not that I don’t want to answer

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Sabbath Readings

Found this ebook from the General Conference Archive Website. Once again, I think this is a hidden treasure just like the “Believe and Work of Seventh-Day Adventist.” The book was published back at 1877, more than a hundred and thirty years ago. It pretty much

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Career as Administrator vs Programmer

I remember almost a year ago I googled for article about this. I’ve been a system and network administrator for more than two years in medium sized company, dealing with Windows Servers, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, Firewall, and VMWares. Then, for an unknown crazy reason

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Tampering Oracle JDeveloper 10 Splash Screen

Well, we all know that most programs display a splash screen showing the program logo and one liner. JDeveloper 10 is no exception and the software one liner goes saying “Productivity with choice”. I have no problem with its one liner, however I believe one