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Quip – Productivity Tools Review

Quip on different screens

Quip on different screens

I love productivity tools!

And there seems to be endless options of tools available online now. Some tools able to stay alive (Evernote, Wunderlist-now owned by Microsoft) some others are not so lucky (Springpad, Astrid).

Now I’m using one of the new tool called Quip, and I like it!

The reasons?

  1. I need a tool to write my notes.
  2. I need a tool that is available online, on mobile, and on desktop.
  3. I need a tool that I can access from work. *Evernote and OneNote are blocked by our company proxy.

But quip is actually more than that, it is also a collaboration tool where you and your team can store documents and spreadsheets.

*So, like Google docs?

Yes, but Google docs is also blocked at my office.

It also has conversation feature, so that you can avoid email chains.

*So, like Slack?

Yes, but… (you should be able to guess what I’m going to say by now)


I like Quip because it’s simple, accessible from all devices, and fits all my needs.

If you’re looking for a tool to collaborate with your team, I suggest you to look into Quip. 🙂

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