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Category Archives: Other Resources

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Perkenalan BDD (Behavior Driven Development)

oleh: Dan North (disadur dari “Introducing BDD”) Saya dulu mempunyai masalah. Sementara menggunakan dan mengajar praktek-praktek Agile seperti test-driven development (TDD) pada proyek-proyek di lingkungan yang berbeda-beda, saya selalu menjumpai kebingungan dan kesalahpahaman. Para programmer selalu ingin mengetahui mulai dari mana, apa yg ditest dan

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Theory of People’s Shopping Behavior

(photo by cbcs) It’s been several years since I thought about this theory, but I just have the idea to post it in my blog for public. I can say that I personally came up with this theory, and I didn’t copy this from anyone,

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What is Computer Science?

The misconception Probably the most common misconception about computer science is that people thought that the “computer” word in it is for “computer machines”, it’s NOT! I think the more appropriate name for the degree should be Computing Science. Why? Because although the field heavily

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The Myth of Being The First With Genius Idea

Probably all of us have heard that to be successful in business, you’ve gotta be the first one who come up with a brilliant idea, and that there is no room for the second, third, and the rest. I should say that this is foolish!

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Motivation and Positive Thinking

Background This might sound a bit weird for some of you, but ever since I was 10, I always like to read a self-help book. The first book I pick up was “Being Happy” by Andrew Matthews. I didn’t know it was called self-help book,

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Belajar Programming Sendiri Dalam Sepuluh Tahun

oleh: Peter Norvig (disadur dari Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years) Mengapa semua orang terburu-buru? Masuklah ke sebuah toko buku dan anda akan melihat buku mengenai bagaimana “Belajar Java dalam 7 Hari” dan banyak variasi lainnya yang menawarkan untuk mengajarkan Visual Basic, Windows, Internet, dan

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What Matters

“My friend once asked me, ‘you saved so much, what are you gonna do with all the money you save anyway?’